Week 8, Feedback: Intellectual Property

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Reflecting on Collaboration: Intellectual Property

#1 Presentation by Alyssa and Vedran

Video was visually appealing, some dialogue to compliment the video would have been beneficial; some parts of slide show were really text heavy and therefore difficult and too lengthy to read; the background/theory content was informative; although they did begin to link the topic this was very brief and lacked any substantial details; a more detailed/explicit link between IP and their project would of made for a better presentation.

#2 Presentation by Dorothy, Ricky, Alan, Maki, Stefan, and David

Animation was visually appealing and was cute and funny, this use of humour caught the audiences attention well; presentation was extremely detailed and informative and covered all aspects of IP; the inclusion of information on how to actually obtain IP protection was a good inclusion; they clearly described how IP is relevant to their project through the use of explicit and real world examples which the audience can relate to; they also linked IP to our industry and degree which was extremely relevant and interesting for the audience; good job.


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